I actually can't wait to talk about this sensitive and elusive subject. It's actually fascinating and the universe just brought it back to my door to remind me to tell you all, what it is and to inform you of your not so Spiritual White Shadow actions when they appear.
Years ago I used to hang out with the illustrious god father of metaphysics Stuart Wilde. He was an amazing man in his day and I loved him dearly, until his monumental fall from grace. Then I had to process my disappointment in his actions visibly switching sides (light to dark permanently!).
He was a profound teacher and one that taught many lessons to me that I have taken to heart over the years and taught to others if they have heard me speak. I have lived and breathed some of this wisdom and fully embodied it.
If you know or don't know what the shadow is it's an un unified aspect of self that is hidden away until it's triggered, right. You can all relate to this I hope. When...