MAR 21 - APR 19
Crystal Alchemy ® Aries Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Citrine (Yellow) to boost your abundance for your creative endeavours, Magnesite (White) to calm your fiery temperament, Carnelian (Orange) to help you find supportive relationships, Bloodstone (Green) to balance your generosity, Fire Agate (Burnt Orange) for grounding and deflecting negativity from the power plays of others that are intimidated by your natural power and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134154
APR 20 - MAY 20
Crystal Alchemy ® Taurus Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Sapphire (Dark Blue) to support your innate ability to teach others, Blue Tigers Eye (Dark Blue Flash) to support correct use of your personal power, Blue Kyanite to help you think before you speak, Labradorite (Dark Green) to get you out of trouble and karma you get caught up in, Quartz with Inclusions (Black & White) to keep you balanced and grounded and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134156
MAY 21 - JUNE 20
Crystal Alchemy ® Gemini Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Dark Green Tourmaline to support your giving heart, Variscite (Light Green) to support you in your pursuit of helping others, Kiwi Stone (Aqua) to calm you when you lose control of yourself, Rose Quartz (Pink) to replenish your nurturing soul, Moonlight Agate (Grey to Brown with bands) for grounding and de-stressing you and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134157
JUN 21 - JUL 22
Crystal Alchemy ® Cancer Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Red Tigers Eye for personal empowerment, Crinoid Jasper (Brown & White) for clearing anxiety, Smoky Quartz (Clear Brown) for clearing negative thinking, Moss Agate (Green) for reducing sensitivity, Shungite (Black) to release stress and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134158
JUL 23 - AUG 22
Crystal Alchemy ® Leo Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Sunstone (Orange & White) to increase vitality and reduce fears from surfacing, Chrysocolla (Blue) to soften self expression, Golden Rutilated Quartz to focus your motivation, Leopard Skin Jasper (Pink) to ground your spirituality, Onyx (Black) to reduce your conflicts and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134159
AUG 23 - SEPT 22
Crystal Alchemy ® Virgo Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Sugilite (Purple) to support your creative and ingenuitive mind to bring through new projects, Sodalite (Blue & White) to calm your busy mind, Dumortierite (Dark Blue) to bring you patience and perseverance, Kambaber Jasper (Green) to help you be more thoughtful of others, Snowflake Obsidian (Black & White) to help you see the true meaning behind the intentions of others and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134160
SEPT 23 - OCT 22
Crystal Alchemy ® Libra Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Tiffany Stone (Purple & Cream) to align you with your Soul purpose, Prehnite with Epidote (Green) to lead your head by your heart, Lepidolite (Purple & White) to keep your spirits high, Peach Aventurine to support your self confidence, Zebra Rock (Black & White) to keep you balanced and grounded through life's changes and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134161
OCT 23 - NOV 21
Crystal Alchemy ® Scorpio Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Muscovite (Reddy Brown) to support your personal empowerment, Lavender Fluorite to keep you calm when processing the intensity of your emotions, Chevron Amethyst (White & Purple) to balance your mind and accelerate your spiritual development, Rainbow Obsidian (Black) to shine the light into your dark side, Botswana Agate (Black & White) to balance all areas of your life and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134162
NOV 22 - DEC 21
Crystal Alchemy ® Sagittarius Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Green Beryl to heal your emotions, Garnet (Dark Red) to create balance in your life, Apatite (Blue) to help you to be more conscious of what you consume, Orange Calcite to support you to rise above the ego play of others, Hematite (Grey) for keeping you grounded and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134163
DEC 22 - JAN 19
Crystal Alchemy ® Capricorn Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Blue Fluorite for healing and letting go of past hurts, Golden Calcite (Yellow White) to help you open to your higher guidance, Yellow Aragonite to boost your self confidence, Black Moonstone to subdue your pessimism and help you to allow in the support you need from those who love you, Brecciated Jasper (Red) to ensure stability in your world and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134164
JAN 20 - FEB 18
Crystal Alchemy ® Aquarius Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Pink Chalcedony to help you to receive back your love, Peach Moonstone to keep you balanced between the light and dark sides of self, Rainbow Fluorite (Purple & Green) to heal the deep wounds you experienced as a child, Pale Blue Calcite to hold you back from projecting your verbal shadow upon others, Rainforest Rhyolite (Green) to keep you connected to the natural world and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134165
FEB 19 - MAR 20
Crystal Alchemy ® Pisces Kit contains 5 crystals carefully balanced to support this star sign. Dendritic Opal (White & Black) to support your psychic development and creative, arty nature, White Calcite (Clear) to help you release your limiting self beliefs, Apophyllite to enhance meditation practices and deepen your connection to Spirit, Petrified Wood (Brown) to help you network with like minded people who support your kind nature, New Jade (Pale Green) to bring you luck and prosperity and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134166
Crystal Alchemy ® Chakra Kit contains 7 crystals carefully balanced to support the Ascension of your energy. Garnet to create stability in your life, Carnelian to support your relationships, Yellow Jasper for empowerment, Green Beryl to bring your heart into alignment with the new Earth frequency, Blue Chalcedony to hold you to speak your truth without shadow projection, Iolite to bring through your unique gifts and talents, White Howlite to keep you calm and connected to your guidance and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134167
Crystal Alchemy ® Protection Kit contains 5 crystals carefully selected to block external energy to yours. Chiastolite (Brown & Black) the protection stone that is known as "The Cross of God", Malachite (Dark Green) to block unconscious thought forms, Peridot (Lime Green) to block conscious psychic attack, Selenite (White) the main Sacred Space crystal for clear ether, Jet (Black) reduces problems in your life and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134168
Crystal Alchemy ® Unicorn Kit contains 5 crystals carefully selected to delight any child. The Unicorn power animal protects innocent children and is connected to aura crystals. Each natural crystal has a metal coating that gives it an iridescent sheen. Rainbow Aura Quartz (Purple), Amethyst Aura (Pale Purple), Angel Rose Aura Quartz (Pink), Cobalt Titanium Aura Quartz (Blue), Rose Rainbow Quartz (Pink), Angel Aura Quartz (Clear). Please ensure crystals are given to children over the age of 5.
CODE 134169
Crystal Alchemy ® Abundance Kit contains 5 crystals, Pyrite & Magnetite (Gold & Black) to ignite and burn away your limitations, Natural Citrine (Yellow) to help you attract your desires, Golden Rutilated (Clear & Yellow) generating new levels of willpower and motivation and Smokey Quartz (Brown) to release negative thoughts and old habits, White Calcite (Clear) to align you with your guidance and a state of flow and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134170
Crystal Alchemy ® Psychic Development and Channelling Kit contains 6 crystals, Herkimer Diamond (Clear) known as the master Channellers crystal, do not underestimate its power by its size, Tektite to expand your minds perception beyond your 3D reality, Charoite (Purple) to enhance your 3rd eye visions, Green & Blue Kyanite to help you listen to the words of spirit and bring their meaning to your world, Nuummite (Black) to enhance your ability to receive information from Spirit in dream state and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134171
Crystal Alchemy ® Grieving Kit contains 5 crystals, Apache Tears (Black) to turn down the dial of the intensity of the emotions surfacing from your loss, Black (with lines) and White Moonstone to support and nurture your wounded Soul, Lepidolite (Purple & White) to calm your frayed nerves, Rose Quartz (Pink) to heal your broken heart and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134172
Crystal Alchemy ® Sleep Well Kit contains 5 crystals, Ruby In Zoisite (Green, Black & Pink) to block astral energy interference, Hypersthene (Black) to provide you with a protective shield energy that actually helps you receive clear information and guidance in dream state from Spirit, Blue Quartz to calm your busy mind when trying to get to sleep, White Selenite to keep your aura clear, Prehnite with Epidote (Green) to reduce the possibility of having a nightmare and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134173
Crystal Alchemy ® Australian Stones Kit contains 5 crystals, Clear Lemon Prehnite (Wave Hill, NT) brings harmony and peace to your life, Lemon Chrysoprase (Kalgoorlie, WA) to bring you good fortune, Beige & Red Zebra Stone (Newry Station, NT) for grounding and balancing your life, Red & Yellow Mookaite (Carnarvon WA) to nurture you and reduce stress, Green Rainforest Rhyolite (Mount Hey, QLD) to bring you happiness and wishing herbs for clearing and setting your intentions into your crystals.
CODE 134174
Containing crystalline energised water with 100 % essential oil blends and energy invocations.
Crystal Alchemy ® Sage Clearing Mist contains Sage 100% pure essential oil, blended carrier oils and is energised with Aquamarine crystal.
Mist into your aura to clear your chakras, or as a room spray to clear the room. You can also add 1 x 5ml teaspoon of the blend to a oil burner or room diffuser to scent the room for the whole day.
CODE 134191
Crystal Alchemy ® Chakra Balancing Mist contains 21, 100% pure essential oils, blended carrier oils and is energised with White Howlite, Iolite, Blue Chalcedony, Green Beryl, Yellow Jasper, Carnelian and Garnet crystals.
Mist into your aura to balance your chakras, or as a room spray to balance the room. You can also add 1 x 5ml teaspoon of the blend to a oil burner or room diffuser to scent the room for the whole day.
CODE 134181
Crystal Alchemy ® Alchemy Of The Heart Mist contains Cinnamon, Geranium, Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Sandalwood, Sweet Orange, Ylang Ylang 100% pure essential oils, blended carrier oils and is energised with Herkimer Diamond master crystal.
Mist into your aura to shift your energy into the hearts pure frequency of love. This mist is great for preparing for or using whilst in meditation. You can use it as a room spray or you can add 1 x 5ml teaspoon of the blend to a oil burner or room diffuser to scent the room for the whole day.
CODE 134193
Crystal Alchemy ® Purification and Protection Mist contains Frankincense, Myrrh, Sage, Vetiver, Bergamot, Cinnamon 100% pure essential oils, blended carrier oils and is energised with Chiastolite crystal and programmed with clearing invocations.
This Mist contains banishing herbs and a powerful clearing invocation to command dominion over your space.
Mist into your aura to remove etheric hooks, cords, webs, ties, thought forms and other forms of interference known or unknown to you in your energy field and send it to the light, to reclaim your power. You can use it as a room spray or you can add 1 x 5ml teaspoon of the blend to a oil burner or room diffuser to scent the room for the whole day.
CODE 134192
Crystal Alchemy ® Goddess Invocation Mist contains Geranium, Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Sage, Ylang Ylang 100% pure essential oils, blended carrier oils and is energised with Emerald crystal and Goddess invocations.
Mist into your aura to align your energy for channelling, connecting and working with the different Goddesses in meditation. You can use it as a room spray or you can add 1 x 5ml teaspoon of the blend to a oil burner or room diffuser to scent the room for the whole day.
CODE 134194
Contains all 5 Crystal Alchemy Mists ®
Sage Clearing energised with Aquamarine crystal.
Chakra Balancing Mist contains 21 100% pure essential oils energised with White Howlite, Iolite, Blue Chalcedony, Green Beryl, Yellow Jasper, Carnelian and Garnet crystals.
Alchemy Of The Heart Mist energised with Herkimer Diamond master crystal.
Purification and Protection Mist energised Chiastolite crystal and programmed with clearing invocations.
Goddess Invocation Mist energised with Emerald crystal and Goddess invocations.
Divinity supplies a wide range of hand made crystal jewellery, crystals and Crystal Alchemy products online. Distribution is world wide.
BUY ONLINECentre for energetic healing and personal transformation.
SHOP IN PERSONEnquiries welcome, please contact Louise Winchester on +61415 378837 or [email protected] for more information on wholesale orders dispatched globally.
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